EC Dental Science

Research Article Volume 22 Issue 4 - 2023

Short Term Changes of Dental Arches Dimensions in Patients Treated with Rapid Palatal Expansion Followed by Fixed Orthodontic Appliances

Olga-Elpis Kolokitha*

Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, School of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

*Corresponding Author: Olga-Elpis Kolokitha, Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, School of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Received: March 11, 2023; Published: March 21, 2023

Aim: The aim of this longitudinal study was to evaluate short-term changes in dental arches dimensions in patients who had been treated with rapid palatal expansion (RPE) followed by fixed orthodontic appliances.

Materials and Methods: The sample comprised of the casts of 29 patients (9 boys of a mean age of 9.6 and 20 girls of a mean age of 9.4 years), who had undergone orthodontic treatment using RPE with Hyrax type device and fixed orthodontic appliances. For every patient three pairs of casts were used: T1 before the treatment, T2 after the RPE and T3 after the end of the overall treatment. For every pair of casts 8 variables were measured at three-time intervals. Differences between all variables were calculated and compared using the t-test. The method error was determined using the intraclass correlation coefficient.

Results: The results indicated that the inter-molar, inter-premolar, and inter-canine maxillary widths as well as the perimeter of the maxillary dental arch increased at T2. The expansion at the molar region was found to be greater of the corresponding expansion in the premolars and canine’s regions. The maxillary arch perimeter after RPE (T2), presented increase of 6.6 mm. In the mandibular dental arch at T2 a significant increase of the mandibular inter-molar width by 2.1 mm and mandibular inter-canine width by 1.5 mm was found. During the treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances (T3) very small changes occurred in the calculations of the width of both maxillary and mandibular arches (T3-T2) in comparison with the changes that occurred at T2. Consequently, it was observed increase of the maxillary inter-premolar width by 2 mm and in both maxillary and mandibular inter-canine width by 1.3 mm and 0.8 mm, respectively. In contrast, a reduction was observed of the maxillary inter-molar width by 1 mm and of the mandibular inter-molar width by 0.2 mm. The only variables that were increased significantly during treatment with fixed appliances were the maxillary inter-canine width and the palatal height.

Conclusion: Treatment by RME followed by fixed appliances seems to be an effective way of creating space in dental arches with mild to medium crowding.

Keywords: Rapid Palatal Expansion; Dental Crowding; Narrow Maxilla; Orthodontic Treatment, Tooth-Size/Arch-Size Discrepancies; Arch Perimeter

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Olga-Elpis Kolokitha. Short Term Changes of Dental Arches Dimensions in Patients Treated with Rapid Palatal Expansion Followed by Fixed Orthodontic Appliances.”. EC Dental Science 22.4 (2023): 121-132.