EC Dental Science

Research Article Volume 23 Issue 1 - 2024

Pain in the Shoulders, Neck, and Back is a Regular Occurrence among Dental Workers in Abha, KSA

Yahya Alogaibi*, Munirah Abdallah Alhowaish, Keareyah Amin Banjar, Amal Husin Alamri, Noura Omar Bahamdan, Reham Mutlaq Alotaibi, Saad Masoud Alhumaidi, Rana Hassan Abduljabbar, Nahed Hosam Rozi, Noha Saleh Hawari, Rouwaida Taha Halawani and Nawal Naif Alotaibi

Department of Orthodontics, MOH, KSA

*Corresponding Author: Yahya Alogaibi, Department of Orthodontics, MOH, KSA.
Received: December 01, 2023; Published: December 09, 2023

Background: Pain from musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is a significant health issue for dental professionals, negatively impacting both their quality of life and performance at work.

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the prevalence of shoulder, neck, and lower back pain as well as the risk factors linked to it in Abha, KSA.

Methods: Three primary sections of a questionnaire-questions about working conditions, job organization, and demographics-were electronically completed by 105 dental staff members who participated in a cross-sectional study.

Findings: Of the participants, 53% were dentists, and 82% were women. In the preceding year, the neck (73.3%, n = 77), lower back (72.4%, n = 76), and shoulders (70.5%, n = 74) were the most common MSDs reported. Sixty-eight percent of dental staff members work while seated. Just 12% of people exercise everyday, while 53% exercise occasionally. In the 12 months prior, 25.7% of the staff had sought medication for MSD discomfort.

Conclusion: Among dental professionals in Abha, Saudi Arabia, there was a significant prevalence of MSDs as well as shoulder, lower back, and neck pain.

 Keywords: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs); Shoulder, Neck, and Lower Back Pain; Dentistry; Dental Professionals

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Yahya Alogaibi. “Pain in the Shoulders, Neck, and Back is a Regular Occurrence among Dental Workers in Abha, KSA”.”. EC Dental Science 23.1 (2024): 01-11.