EC Dental Science

Review Article Volume 22 Issue 2 - 2023

Natural Justice Vs Introduction of Bias - Hong Kong Dental Association and Dental Council of Hong Kong

Cecilia Young*

Independent Researcher, UK

*Corresponding Author: Cecilia Young, Independent Researcher, UK.
Received: December 02, 2022; Published: January 31, 2023

About 90% Hong Kong registered dentists joined the Hong Kong Dental Association, registered dentists nominated by this Association are appointed by the Chief Executive to the Dental Council of Hong Kong.

"Observe the rules of natural justice", "act impartially and even-handedly towards both the complainant and the registered dentist being complained against", "Disciplinary proceedings of the Dental Council are governed by the Regulations and cannot be disposed of by settlement between the complainant and the dentist" were mentioned in the complaint form of Dental Council of Hong Kong.

10% registered dentists in Hong Kong not interested in joining the Hong Kong Dental Association, did/do not know there was/is a mediation service, not complied with the Regulations, provided by Patient Complaints Mediation Committee since Jan 1, 2003 which was only announced in the internal newsletter not available to others. It caused serious bias between members and non members. Dentists do not join the Hong Kong Dental Association are vulnerable due to different opinions and the bias actively introduced by. The principles of natural justice embody fundamental notions of procedural fairness and justice. Natural justice is not observed by the Dental Council of Hong Kong.

Keywords: Natural Justice; Introduction of Bias; Dental Council of Hong Kong

  1. Tim Murphy. Natural Law and Natural Justice: A Thomistic Perspective. Research Handbook on Natural Law Theory (2019): 304-325.
  2. G Feltoe. A guide to Administrative and Local Government Law in Zimbabwe (2017).
  3. Dentists Registration Ordinance, Chapter 156, Laws of Hong Kong (2022).
  4. Code Of Professional Discipline For The Guidance Of Dental Practitioners In Hong Kong. Dental Council of Hong Kong. 2019 (2022).
  5. Hong Kong Dental Association (2022).
  6. Information and Complaint Form in relation to Complaints against Registered Dentists. Dental Council of Hong Kong (2021).
  7. Dentists (Registration And Disciplinary Procedure) Regulations (Cap. 156 sub. leg. A) (2022).
  8. Annual report. Dental Council of Hong kong (2022).
  9. Minutes of meeting. Subcommittee on improvements to the medical complaints mechanism. Legislative Council. LC Paper No. CB (2) 2285/00-01 (2001).
  10. Newsletter, Hong Kong Dental Association 2 (2007).

Cecilia Young. “Natural Justice Vs Introduction of Bias - Hong Kong Dental Association and Dental Council of Hong Kong”.”. EC Dental Science 22.2 (2023): 87-91.