EC Dental Science

Case Series Volume 23 Issue 6 - 2024

Leon's Everted Gingival Pouch Technique: A Minimally Invasive Approach for Achieving Primary Closure and Gingival Revitalization

Nasdaq Chen*, Aleq Chen, Niq Chen, Audree Chen and Nina Chen

Dental Implant Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

*Corresponding Author: Nasdaq Chen, Dental Implant Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.
Received: May 20, 2024; Published: May 31, 2024

Patients seeking implant treatment are often periodontally compromised and present with insufficient bone and/or soft tissue volume to ensure predictable implant stability, function and restorative esthetics. Localized infections at the site(s) of planned tooth extraction typically form a layer of granulomatous and epithelialized tissue surrounding the area of the tooth root apex. This article describes the everted gingival pouch technique for making full use of this typically discarded tissue to pouch bone grafts as a barrier membrane, manage soft tissue, and achieve primary closure during a single surgery for tooth extraction and immediate implant placement. Two case examples are also presented.

 Keywords: Everted Gingival Pouch Technique; Minimally Invasive Approach; Primary Closure; Gingival Revitalization

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Nasdaq Chen., et al. “Leon's Everted Gingival Pouch Technique: A Minimally Invasive Approach for Achieving Primary Closure and Gingival Revitalization”.”. EC Dental Science 23.6 (2024): 01-11.