EC Dental Science

Case Series Volume 24 Issue 1 - 2025

Influence of Keratinized Gingiva Width on the Resolution of Periodontitis in Cases of RT3 Recession at Lower Anterior Region: Case Series with Long Term Follow Up

Soulafa Mohamed Belal*

BDS, MSc in Periodontology, Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Soulafa Mohamed Belal, BDS, MSc in Periodontology, Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University, Egypt.
Received: December 20, 2024; Published: January 03, 2025

Aim: To evaluate the effect of soft tissue augmentation on periodontal health improvement and stabilization in cases of RT3 recession, using palatal free gingival graft.

Method: Ten cases were suffering from periodontitis, caused by either infection (plaque and calculus) or traumatic occlusion, led to recession of RT3 with deficient keratinized gingiva. All patients undergone phase one therapy successfully, followed by initial evaluation to ensure that the teeth periodontal health became stable. Phase two therapy then was done, through apically repositioned flap (APF) and palatal free gingival graft, in order to aid in continue the periodontal health stabilization and improvement through time, which will elongate the teeth life span.

Results: All the cases have showed improvement in periodontal condition at the treated sites, in terms of less or no bleeding with brushing and eating, less teeth mobility, less plaque accumulation and calculus formation and pink color of the tissue as well as the adjacent areas with partial root coverage.

Conclusion: Soft tissue augmentation using the gold standard type of soft tissue graft (free gingival graft) aid in improvement of periodontal health of affected teeth, making patient quality of life is better and elongate the life span of the teeth.

 Keywords: Keratinized Gingiva Width; Periodontitis; Creeping Attachment; Apically Positioned Flap; Free Gingival Graft; RT3 Recession

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Soulafa Mohamed Belal. “Influence of Keratinized Gingiva Width on the Resolution of Periodontitis in Cases of RT3 Recession at Lower Anterior Region: Case Series with Long Term Follow Up”.”. EC Dental Science 24.1 (2025): 01-15.