1PG Student, Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantology, National Dental College and Hospital, Derabassi, Punjab, India
2Reader, Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantology, National Dental College and Hospital, Derabassi, Punjab, India
3Professor and HOD, Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantology, National Dental College and Hospital, Derabassi, Punjab, India
Background: A surface smear layer consisting of organic and inorganic material with minute particle sizes is found on root surface containing remnants of dental calculus, contaminated root cementum, and subgingival plaque after scaling and root planing. Various types of agents such as citric acid, conc. tetracycline HCl and doxycycline have been placed on root surface not only to remove the surface inorganic smear layer but also to enlarge dentinal tubules into which healing connective tissue can enter. They have also shown a long lasting substantivity on periodontally diseased root surfaces.
Aim and Objective: 1. To treat root planed surfaces of extracted teeth with citric acid, tetracycline HCl and doxycycline and observe the surface characteristics under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). 2. To compare changes in surface characteristics after treating with all the three agents. 3. To establish which of these three agents give most desirable root surface characteristics favourable for periodontal healing.
Materials and Methods: The study was done in vitro using scanning electron microscopy on a total of 5 single rooted anterior teeth with 15 samples indicated for extraction due to Stage III or IV with Grade B or C periodontitis. 5 samples were divided into three groups A, B, C of 5 each based on type of conditioning done, either with saturated citric acid (pH 1) or tetracycline HCl (pH 1.6) - 250 mg/ml or doxycycline (pH 2.2) - 100 mg/ml for 5 minutes. Scanning photomicrographs of root surfaces were taken at ×2000 and × 6000 magnification. The micrographs were taken and evaluated for presence or absence of smear layer, total number of dentinal tubules per unit area, number of patent tubules per unit area and diameter of randomly selected patent dentinal tubules were measured.
Results: All the three groups showed slight difference in mean number of total dentinal tubules and showed statistically significant difference. The proportion of patent dentinal tubules was (36 ± 1.51) in tetracycline HCl group compared to citric acid (31 ± 1.58) and doxycycline (28 ± 1.78) showing the differences statistically significant. Tetracycline group showed higher number of patent tubules and increase in tubule diameter when compared to citric acid and doxycycline and the difference was statistically significant.
Conclusion: Results of this study suggest that tetracycline is the best current tetracycline form for root surface conditioning as measured by its ability to affect both dentin smear layer removal, diameter and tubule exposure.
Keywords: Root Biomodification; Root Conditioning; Citric Acid; Tetracycline; Doxycycline
Navneet Kaur., et al. “ Evaluation of Root Biomodification by Citric Acid, Tetracycline and Doxycycline on Instrumented Periodontally Involved Root Surfaces Using a Scanning Electron Microscope - An Invitro Study”.”. EC Dental Science 22.4 (2023): 33-46.
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