EC Dental Science

Review Article Volume 19 Issue 11 - 2020

E Max Crowns in Dentistry

Mohamed Hany Ahmad Abd Elghany1 *, Alduraibi Mohammed Sulaiman2, Ayman Hammad Alothmani2, Abdulrahman Hussain Kara Ali2, Shahad Omar Marae3, Abdulrhman Mohammed Aldughaysh4, Ghaida Mohammed Alsulaiman4, Hala Saleh Almarshoud4, Omar Abdulaziz Alqarawi5, Abrar Abdulrahman Alhamadi6, and Thara Saud Damanhouri6.

1 Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
2 Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
3 Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia
4 Ibnsina National College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
5 King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
6 Batterjee Medical College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Mohamed Hany Ahmad Abd Elghany, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Received: September 23, 2020; Published: October 28, 2020

Aim of the Study: This study's objective was to evaluate the stress distribution around a fixture with three alternative superstructure-fixed restorations.

Materials and Methods: This study aimed to examine the effects of immediate versus delayed loading of two types of crown materials (in-cream - porcelain bonded to metal crowns) on the peri-implant soft and hard tissue.

The patients were divided into two groups depending on when the implants were loaded.

Patients in group I received implants using a delayed loading technique that involved submerging the implants for six months (ten implants).

Group II patients had immediate implant loading, temporary restorations were created using occlusion, and three weeks later, permanent restorations were placed in occlusion (ten implants).

Each group was then divided into two subgroups, each with five implants, based on the type of superstructure materials used in the study: Subgroup A: To repair implants, metallic crowns were covered with low-fusing porcelain veneers.

The crown restorations on the implants in subgroup B were [all ceramic in-ceramic, alumina].

As part of the clinical examination of the cases, the gingival index and pocket depth at the loading time and 3, 6, and 9 months after loading were noted.

Foto assesses one loss and bone density surrounding the implants; radiographic examination also includes an isoquant semi-direct semi-direct biography.

Results: Standard deviation (SD) values were presented along with the data. The student's t-test was used to compare the two groups and the two supra-structure kinds. Using a paired t-test, each group’s temporal course of changes was investigated. Non-parametric tests were used for the comparisons since the GI data had a non-parametric distribution. The Mann-Whitney U test results were compared between the two groups. This non-parametric test is used in place of the t-test performed on the students. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test examined how each group changed over time. Non-parametric tests were employed for the comparisons due to the non-parametric distribution of the data on bone loss. The Mann-Whitney U test results were compared between the two groups. This non-parametric test is used in place of the t-test performed on the students. The criterion for significance was set at P 0.05. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows, version 16.0 of the Statistical Package for Scientific Studies.

Conclusion: Statistics were applied to the tabulated data; the following conclusion could be drawn from this study: 1-Delayed loading implants had significantly higher bone density and lower bone loss than immediate loading implants regardless of the supra-structure type.

 Keywords: Implant; All Ceramic; Metal Ceramic; Immediate Loading; Delayed Loading

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Mohamed Hany Ahmad Abd Elghany., et al. “E Max Crowns in Dentistry”.  EC Dental Science 19.11 (2020): 113-121.