EC Dental Science

Review Article Volume 22 Issue 1 - 2023

Caries Starts on the Surface of the Tooth

Siniša Franjić*

Independent Researcher, Bosnia and Herzegovina

*Corresponding Author: Siniša Franjić, Independent Researcher, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Received: October 19, 2022; Published: December 20, 2022

Caries is a chronic disease of hard dental tissues that progresses progressively, centripetally and leads to the destruction of teeth. Its origin is multi-caused, and its high frequency makes it one of the most common diseases of modern man. Caries starts on the surface of the tooth (in 75% of cases on the biting surface) with the breakdown of enamel and progressively penetrates in depth and width, affecting other dental tissue structures. A large number of general and local, internal and external factors are associated with the occurrence of caries. General factors include: race, hereditary factors, age of the individual, gender, function of endocrine glands, diet, etc. Local factors include: microorganisms, saliva, shape and arrangement of teeth, iatrogenic factors, poor dental hygiene, etc. The aim of this paper is to say a few words about occlusal caries.

Keywords: Occlusal Lesions; Occlusal Caries; Radiography; Restoration

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Siniša Franjić. “Caries Starts on the Surface of the Tooth”.”. EC Dental Science 22.1 (2023): 156-162.