EC Dental Science

Review Article Volume 20 Issue 11 - 2021

Abutment Selection in Fixed Partial Dentures

Mohamed Hany Ahmad Fouad1, Ibrahim Mohammed H Al Yami2, Rakan Mohammed Alharbi2, Omar Mohammad Dad2, Fatimah Khaled Alshnqity2, Mohammed Khalif Aldhafeeri2, Nawaf Abdulaziz Alsowaiegh2, Talal Abdulaziz Almohana3, Khalid Fahad Alsarrani3, Fesal Suleman Alsalem4, Saleh Abdulmohsen Alfaleh4, Reem Atean Alsafari5, Salsabil Mohammed Alkhalifah6, Yasmin Ahmad Alsubhi7, and Rakan Siraj Alsulaimani8

1 Cairo University, Egypt
2 Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
3 Taibah University Dental College, Saudi Arabia
4 Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Saudi Arabia
5 Batterjee Medical College, Saudi Arabia
6 Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
7 Vision College, Saudi Arabia
8 King Abdulaziz Medical City, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author:Mohammed Hany Ahmad Fouad, Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Registered in Saudi Commission for Health Specialties as Consultant and Cairo University, Egypt. Number: 05JD0323. E-mail:
Received: October 09, 2021; Published: October 28, 2021

Introduction: The most common treatment option for the replacement of a single missing tooth is a Fixed Partial Denture (FPD), where support is taken from the two adjacent teeth, and the missing tooth is replaced. Abutment teeth are exposed to forces applied on the missing tooth as well as those applied on the various parts of the prostheses and the abutment teeth themselves, and therefore prior examination of the abutment teeth is of utmost importance.

Aim of Work: This review aims at highlighting an overview of the selection of Abutment teeth for Fixed Partial Dentures. Methodology: This review is comprehensive research of PUBMED and Google Scholar from the years 1990 to 2021.

Conclusion: Planning of a Fixed Partial Denture should always be executed as a multidisciplinary approach keeping the abutment teeth’ pulpal and periodontal health in mind. The diagnosis of the case and thorough study of the diagnostic cats and radiographs is the primary step that helps decide the feasibility of the treatment option. Once the case has been taken up for a fixed prosthesis, the abutment teeth should be examined in detail regarding their crown height, crown root ratio, root configuration, mobility, etc. For a good prognosis, patients’ compliance is of utmost importance, and hence patient education regarding good oral hygiene and maintenance of the prosthesis should also be given equal importance.

Keywords: Abutment; Crown Root Ratio; Clinical Crown; Biological Width; Telescopic Crown

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Mohammed Hany Ahmad Fouad., et al. “Abutment Selection in Fixed Partial Dentures”. EC Dental Science 20.11 (2021): 75-82