1Chawla Health & Research, USA
2Independent Global Medical Research Consortium, Thailand
3First InterHealth Group, Thailand
4Lakeline Wellness Center, USA
5Kemet Medical Consultants, USA
6PBJ Medical Associates, LLC, USA
7Beverly Hills Wellness Surgical Institute, USA
8Orange Partners Surgicenter, USA
9Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Unit, Department of Surgery, Federal Medical Center, Umuahia, Nigeria
10Earthwide Surgical Missions, Nigeria
11International Institute of Original Medicine, USA
12Washington University, USA
The prospects of healthcare systems and their results may be influenced by nanotechnology. Researchers have recently become very interested in gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) because of their superior physiochemical characteristics. AuNPs exhibit size- and shape-dependent optical and electronic properties and are noncorroding, biocompatible, and amenable to the desired functionalization.
Due to their exceptional qualities, AuNPs have the potential to be used in a wide range of biomedical applications, such as optical bioimaging, targeted drug delivery (TDD), immunoassays, medicinal diagnostics, laser phototherapy of cancer cells and tumors, and genomics. AuNPs bind readily to proteins, antibodies, enzymes, and cytokines. However, particle size may affect how it is distributed throughout the body. AuNPs are FDA-approved metallic nanoparticles that have shown great promise in several medical applications.
To target cancer cells, researchers used nanogold to bind specific antibodies. AuNPs have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help with maladies triggered by inflammation and reactive oxygen species (ROS). In addition, AuNP has been claimed to treat rheumatic, mental, neurological, bone, cartilage, cardiovascular, and skin disorders.
Moreover, AuNPs have been shown to boost immunity. This review aims to provide an overview of the historical corporal use of gold throughout the ages—to the present, how AuNPs are synthesized, how they affect human physiology, toxicity, potential positive effects, and their future applications.
Keywords: Bioimaging; Boost Immunity; Nanotechnology; Reactive Oxygen Species; Targeting Cancer Cells
Chawla S, Kerna NA, Carsrud NDV, Pruitt KD, Flores JV, Holets HM, Ngwu DC, Anderson II J, Obi NJ.“Revealing the Health Applications of Gold Nanoparticles for the Cardiovascular System (and in Nerve, Bone, Immune, Skin, and Mental Disorders)” EC Cardiology 10.2 (2023): 09-23.
© 2023 Chawla S, Kerna NA, Carsrud NDV, Pruitt KD, Flores JV, Holets HM, Ngwu DC, Anderson II J, Obi NJ. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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