Volume 5 Issue 7

Research Article

Inconsistent Phylogenetic Trees from Nucleotide or Amino Acid Sequences from Mammalian Mitochondrial Genomes

Behnjemyn JK Loh, Katheresan S Sooriya Kannan, Tanmay Patil, Rohit Vij and Maurice HT Ling

Review Article

CT Evaluation of Aortic Dissection and Other Acute Aortic Syndromes: An Update

Sandeep Singh Awal, Niharika Prasad and Som Biswas.

Review Article

Breath Based Meditation to Reduce Stress Related Chronic Diseases and Enhance Well-Being

Kirtigandha Salwe Carter and Robert Carter III.

Review Article

A Comprehensive Review of Stem Cells and Applications in Specific Diseases and Regenerative Therapy

John V Flores, Nicholas A Kerna, Sudeep Chawla, ND Victor Carsrud, Hilary M Holets, Stephen M Brown, Kevin D Pruitt, Uzoamaka Nwokorie, Dabeluchi Ngwu Onyejerebechi Florence and Nkiru J Obi.

Case Report

Infected Urachal Sinus in the Adult: A Case Report

Ahmed Mahjoub Awad, Ali Elzain Elshareef, Ahmed Osama Ahmed Babikir, Randa Mohamed Osman Abdelshfoug Abbas and Samowal Sadig Saeed.

Case Report

Gastric Trichobezoar: Presentation of a Case

Alejandro Josué Erazo Coello, Ibeth Georgina Cedillo Velásquez, Paola Carolina Cabrera Maradiaga, Marlen Suyapa Acevedo Flores, Luis Fernando Romero Cárcamo and Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes.

Letter to Editor

Report on the Importance of Glutathione

Phil Harris.

Short Communication

Opinion on the Occasion of World No Tobacco Day 2022

Rakesh Gupta and Ratnakshi Kant.

Conceptual Paper

The Conceptual Framework for Confronting Covid

Medenkov Alexander Alexeyevich.


Efficacy of Mahboob Rehab Gloves

Mahboob Ur Rahman