EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 3 - 2023

Successful Laparoscopic Management of Giant Hydatid Liver Cyst: A Case Report

Loai Saleh Albinsaad, Arshadullah Khan, Mohammed Yousef Alessa, Ali Abdulhamid Almohammed saleh* and Abdulmohsen Yaseer Alkhars

Department of General Surgery, King Faisal University, Alandlus, Alahsa, KSA

*Corresponding Author: Ali Abdulhamid Almohammed Saleh, Department of General Surgery, King Faisal University, Alandlus, Alahsa, KSA.
Received: March 05, 2023; Published: March 15, 2023

Hydatid cyst disease is a common worldwide anthropozoonosis affecting the liver as the most common infected organ. A definitive diagnosis usually requires a combination of imaging, serologic, and immunologic studies. Although there are a variety of treatment options for hydatid liver cysts, surgical treatment remains the gold-standard management. We hereby present unusual case of 28 years-old-male patient, known case of idiopathic thrombocytopenia, complaining of intermittent right upper quadrant and epigastric pain diagnosed by computed tomography as a case of giant hydatid liver cyst measuring 12.6*8 cm. He was successfully treated by neoadjuvant oral albendazole followed by laparoscopic hydatid deroofing and omentoplasty surgery. Giant hydatid liver cyst is a rare case and few cases are reported in the literature. A liver cyst reaching an extremely large size may lead to serious and fatal complications such as cyst rupture.

Keywords: Laparoscopic Management; Giant Hydatid Liver Cyst

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Ali Abdulhamid Almohammed Saleh., et al. Successful Laparoscopic Management of Giant Hydatid Liver Cyst: A Case Report. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.3 (2023): 19-24.