EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 7 Issue 8 - 2024

Spontaneous Rupture of the Spleen in the Context of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Rare Case Report

Sara Ez-zaky*, Kenza Bentalha, Sara Essetti, Jamal El Fenni and Rachida Saouab

Radiology Department, Mohamed V Military Instruction Hospital, Rabat, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Sara Ez-zaky, Radiology Department, Mohamed V Military Instruction Hospital, Rabat, Morocco.
Received: May 03, 2024; Published: June 18, 2024

Spontaneous splenic rupture is a rare occurrence, typically seen in cases of pre-existing spleen pathology. We present a unique case of atraumatic splenic rupture in a 30-year-old male with Hodgkin's lymphoma. He presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain, and subsequent abdominal ultrasound and CT scan confirmed splenic rupture.

The symptoms of atraumatic splenic rupture mirror those of traumatic cases, including abdominal pain, particularly in the left upper abdomen or upper middle abdomen, along with dizziness, nausea, and/or vomiting.

In patients with underlying hematologic malignancies, splenic rupture should be considered in the differential diagnosis for acute abdominal symptoms or sudden onset of anemia, even in the absence of trauma. Ultrasound and CT imaging play crucial roles in confirming the diagnosis.Haut du formulaire

 Keywords: Ultrasound; CT Imaging; Spontaneous Rupture; Spleen; Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Sara Ez-zaky., et al. "Spontaneous Rupture of the Spleen in the Context of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Rare Case Report." EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 7.8 (2024): 01-04.