EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Mini Review Volume 6 Issue 3 - 2023

Spiral Structures in the Myocardium

Alexander Chalyi* and Albina Kryshtopa

Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author: Alexander Chalyi, Professor, Head of Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Received: January 19, 2023; Published: February 27, 2023

This article is a continuation of our previous publication [1] and is devoted to the consideration of spiral waves (reverberators) in the myocardium, the cause of which is either mechanical inhomogeneity of the myocardium or its inhomogeneity in the refractory period. A direct consequence of the chaotic increase in the number of reverberators is tachycardia, possible fibrillation and sudden death. Understanding the processes leading to the multiple formation of spiral waves allows us to conduct a targeted search for drugs and non-drug methods to prevent the occurrence of fibrillations.

Keywords: Spiral Structures; Myocardium; Tachycardia

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M Alexander Chalyi and Albina Kryshtopa. Spiral Structures in the Myocardium. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.3 (2023): 50-54.