EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 5 - 2023

Remodeled Seminal Vesicle Cysts: A Rare Incidental Finding

Yassine Zerhari*, Mohammed Ennmer, Hajar Zebbakh, Hatim Essaber, Asaad El Bakkari, Soukaina Allioui, Hounayda Jerguigue, Youssef Omor and Rachida Latib

Radiology Department of National Institute of Oncology of Rabat, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Yassine Zerhari, Radiology Department of National Institute of Oncology of Rabat, Morocco.
Received: April 24, 2023; Published: May 17, 2023

This article presents a case of a 72-year-old man with a well-defined oval cystic lesion of the right seminal vesicle, which was incidentally detected during a pelvic MRI. While most seminal vesicle cysts are benign and asymptomatic, remodeled cysts may require specific management. The differential diagnoses of seminal vesicle cysts include other cysts and tumors in the pelvic region. Accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations are crucial for optimal patient care. This case highlights the importance of recognizing and distinguishing seminal vesicle cysts from other lesions and selecting appropriate management options based on their size, location, and clinical significance.

Keywords: Seminal Vesicle Cyst; Pelvic MRI; Remodeled Cysts; Differential Diagnoses

Yassine Zerhari., et al. "Remodeled Seminal Vesicle Cysts: A Rare Incidental Finding." EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.5 (2023): 103-105.