EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 5 - 2023

Quality of Life in Patients Operated with Obturator Mesh for Urinary Incontinence at Hospital Materno Infantil, Tegucigalpa, 2018-2019

Maria Alejandra Orellana Rivera1, Alvaro Julian Funez Quezada2, David Enrique Lobo Galindo2 and Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes3*

1Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Catholic University of Honduras, Honduras

2Medical Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, National Autonomous University of Honduras, Honduras

3Methodologist, Global Humana, Spain, Master in Clinical Trials Management and Monitoring, Technological University of Mexico, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes, Methodologist, Global Humana, Spain, Master in Clinical Trials Management and Monitoring, Technological University of Mexico, Mexico.
Received: February 20, 2023; Published: May 01, 2023

Background: Urinary incontinence is a highly prevalent symptom among the adult population, affecting 24% of women.

Objective: To determine the quality of life of patients due to urinary incontinence at the Maternal and Child Hospital 2018 - 2019.

Methodological Design: With a type of Retrospective Descriptive study, in the influence on the Maternal and Child Hospital, with a universe of 191 patients and a sample of 128 at a 95% CI, with a type of non-probabilistic convenience sampling, collecting data through telephone contact with the patients. The database generated from the epidemiological-statistical program Epi Info v. 7.2. The confidentiality of the information was maintained.

Results: The study shows that the majority of women affected by urinary incontinence are over 61 years of age and occupy the role of housewife. Obesity and having a child are the most common antecedents. After the intervention, most of the women reported good satisfaction and a decrease in sexual limitations and daily and social activities. In general, most women reported being in very good or good health after the intervention.

Conclusion: The intervention of urinary incontinence is a measure of recovery that generates general improvement in the operated patients.

Keywords: Urinary Incontinence; Quality of Life; Gynecology; Honduras

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Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes., et al. Quality of Life in Patients Operated with Obturator Mesh for Urinary Incontinence at Hospital Materno Infantil, Tegucigalpa, 2018-2019. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.5 (2023): 71-75.