EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Series Volume 6 Issue 11 - 2023

Prophylaxis Role of Kampo- and Diagnosed-Drug with Butyrate Fermented in Aloe Vera Gel as an Adjuvant for Mitigating and Relieving Pain in Spinal Stenosis and Restoring of Osteoporosis

Yagi Akira1*, Hasegawa Megumi2 and Shiba Kosuke3

1Special Advisor of Japan Aloe Science Association, Professor Emeritus of Fukuyama University, Hiroshima, Japan

2Pharmacist, Kampo Pharmacy Grace Meg Salon, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan

3A Clinical Director of Medical Association and Occupational Physician, Yokohama-City, Kanagawa-ken, Japan

*Corresponding Author: Yagi Akira, Special Advisor of Japan Aloe Science Association, Professor Emeritus of Fukuyama University, Hiroshima, Japan.
Received: October 09, 2023; Published: October 19, 2023

Case Report 1: A 42-years old male, 190 cm height-veterinarian in Hokkaido who had a heavy hard work in winter, can’t move from his work, and diagnosed spinal stenosis on 2020. Then, he took painkiller drug, but still suffering from a waist pain. He started to take Kampo-drug: Sokei-kakketsuto with Aloe vera juice (AVJ) 200 ml/d on July 2021. During July to September he had mitigated a waist pain, and completely recovered with taking the Kampo-drug with AVJ for 5-months at the end of January, 2022. He had a well-being without the Kampo drug and pain, and is well-working on September, 2023.

Case Report 2: An 80-years old male who had side effect of Corona vaccination, suffered from heavy pyrexia and muscle pain, and had been in bed for 10 days on July, 2021. He diagnosed spinal stenosis and ingested a pain killer drug; Loxoprofen sodium hydrate, and started to walk for rehabilitation. Then, he started to drink AVJ 200 ml/d without the drug and continued rehabilitation and had well-being running and swimming without a waist pain on September, 2023.

Case Report 3: An 89-years-old male who diagnosed Radium-223 chloride (an inhibitor of bone metastasis: Xofigo) as an investigation new intravenous injection and castration-resistant prostate cancer drug (enzalutamide), every one month from August, 2022. After one year investigation, he had a well-QOL, no side effect and inhibition of prostate cancer and bone metastasis on September, 2023. During ten years after his retired the work, he had used to ingest AVJ 100 ml/d. Now he takes enzalutamide with AVJ and small walking on sunny day and has a well-being QOL on October, 2023.

Case Report 4: A 60-years old female fell off her bicycle her left arm on June, 2015. Her bone mineral density (BMD) was examined 88% comparing to bone density reference value (BDRV) in the same years old-female. She did not to take the drug and drink to start only AVJ 150 ml/d on July 2015. Then, her BMD was recovered to 95% BDRV on September, 2016. Furthermore, she only continued to drink AVJ 180 - 200 ml/d and she recovered BMD 106% and the doctor diagnosed complete cure of osteoporosis on July, 2018.

 Keywords: Kampo-Drug; Butyrate; Aloe Vera Gel; Spinal Stenosis; Osteoporosis

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Yagi Akira., et al. "Prophylaxis Role of Kampo- and Diagnosed-Drug with Butyrate Fermented in Aloe Vera Gel as an Adjuvant for Mitigating and Relieving Pain in Spinal Stenosis and Restoring of Osteoporosis." EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.11 (2023): 01-05.