EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 7 Issue 9 - 2024

Post-Traumatic Left Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Case Report

Sara Essetti*, Chaymae Faraj, Rachida Chehrastane, Sara Ez-zaky, Omar El Aoufir, Fatima Zahrae Laamrani and Laila Jroundi

Department of Emergency Radiology, Ibn Sina University Hospital Center, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Sara Essetti, Department of Emergency Radiology, Ibn Sina University Hospital Center, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco.
Received: July 01, 2024; Published: July 26, 2024

Post-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is an uncommon injury seen mainly as a result of high velocity trauma, such as in road traffic accidents. The sudden compression of the lower chest or upper abdomen can cause a tearing of the diaphragm, leading to the herniation of abdominal contents into the chest cavity. It can occur as a result of either blunt or penetrating chest or abdominal injuries. It is more common on the left side. Post-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia typically presents with dyspnea and abdominal pain. Computed tomography is the modality of choice for diagnosis. We present the case of a 25-year-old male patient who sustained a left-sided post-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia following a motor vehicle accident. This case highlights the importance of considering diaphragmatic injuries in trauma patients, particularly in the context of blunt abdominal trauma, and highlights the role of imaging in timely diagnosis and appropriate management.

 Keywords: Post-Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia; Trauma; Injury; Computed Tomography

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Sara Essetti., et al. "Post-Traumatic Left Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Case Report." EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 7.9 (2024): 01-04.