Eradah Mental Health Complex, Eradah Services, Jeddah, KSA
Background: It is sad to see that even though the prevalence, importance and magnitude of impact of mental health issues on the wellbeing of the society is medically and scientifically proven, mental health is unfortunately marginalized and underestimated by the medical society as it is not taken in consideration during the development of any quality measures. In the last 10 years, the focus has changed from measuring patients’ satisfaction of health care to measuring the full experience of the patient in health care. Now there is a worldwide spread of realization that patients’ side of the story is not optional anymore and that is essential to achieving high quality care.
Patients provides a complementary point of view to the of clinicians regarding health care, providing special data and views into both the humanity of care (such as dignity and respect, privacy, meeting information needs, waiting and delays, and cleanliness of facilities) and the effectiveness of health care in the form of outcomes and results. applying the traditional methods of patient experience measurement doesn’t give accurate results due to the nature of mental illness and the effects it has on the nature of the patient and his behavior.
Methods: A retrospective and comparison study is going to be used to find a trustable and comprehensive methods that can provide correct and clear results when measuring patient experience in mental health services.
This study is operating under the hypothesis that using the quantitative data collection and analysis methods are not dependable when applied to measuring mental health patients experience.
Results: The generated data analysis resulted in the creation of a numerical baseline regarding the measurement of patient experience in Eradah mental health complex - eradah services, leading to the creation of 3 improvement projects that focuses on enhancement of the therapeutic environment leading to a significant 30% increase in patient satisfaction.
Discussion and Conclusion: To measure the patient experience in mental health a combination of quantitative and qualitative approach - mixed method- should be used in the form of using simple survey and giving an actual voice to the patients by implementing (patients interviews - Patient panels- Patient stories - Ward rounds - Patient Advice and Liaison Services feedback - Complaints and compliments). The patient experience department staff plays a curtail role in improving the patient experience in mental health as they take the voice of an advocate for the patients when performing the ward rounds.
Keywords: Patient Experience; Mental Health Services; K.S.A
Hatim Abdulaziz Banjar et al. Measuring Patient Experience in Mental Health Services in K.S.A. 5.12 (2022): 122-129.
© 2022 Hatim Abdulaziz Banjar. et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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