EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 3 - 2023

Lidocaine Poisoning in a Pediatric Patient, Regarding a Case

Ibeth Georgina Cedillo Velásquez1, David Nicolás Mendoza Irías2, Scarlett Nabila Rodríguez Flores2, Gennar Nohelia Vallejo Padilla2, Karen Melissa Lainez Maldonado3, María Alejandra Orellana Rivera3, Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes4*

1Doctor Specialist in Pediatrics

2Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, National Autonomous University of Honduras

3Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, Catholic University of Honduras

4Specialist Methodologist in Clinical Trials, Technological University of Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes, Specialist Methodologist in Clinical Trials, Technological University of Mexico.
Received: February 07, 2023; Published: February 28, 2023

Next, a pediatric branch case is presented about a two-year-old girl who underwent surgery in a basic line hospital after a bite from an unknown breed dog, who developed serious symptoms after the intervention and who later is diagnosed as a systemic poisoning by local anesthetic, requiring mechanical ventilation support, it is concluded with the total recovery of the patient.

Keywords: Lidocaine; Mechanical Ventilation

Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes., et al. Lidocaine Poisoning in a Pediatric Patient, Regarding a Case. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.3 (2023): 67-70.