EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 7 Issue 12 - 2024

Intra-Digestive Migration of Delbet Blade

Soukaina El Amrani*, Sara Ezzaky, Hamza Ouzzaouit, Boubker Idrissi Kaitouni, Talha Laalou, Fatima Zahra Laamrani, Laila Jroundi and Omar El Aoufir

Emergency Radiology Department, Ibn Sina Hospital, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Soukaina El Amrani, Emergency Radiology Department, Ibn Sina Hospital, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco.
Received: October 21, 2024; Published: November 15, 2024

The Delbet blade is a non-irritating, non-toxic surgical consumable for multi-channel drainage. It is frequently used, and migrations are exceptional.

We report unusual case of a migrating Delbet blade on intra luminal into left colon a patient how underwent rectal surgery. The patient had successful endoscopic removal for the foreign object.

 Keywords: Migration; Intra Luminal; Delbet Blade

Soukaina El Amrani., et al. "Intra-Digestive Migration of Delbet Blade." EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 7.12 (2024): 01-03.