EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 5 - 2023

Gigantic Pleomorphic Adenoma: An Impossible Intubation? (A Case Report)

Amine Zerhouni*, S Benhamza, M Lazraq, Y Miloudi, A Bensaid and N Elharrar

Department of Anesthesiology, 20 August 1953 Hospital, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Amine Zerhouni, Department of Anesthesiology, 20 August 1953 Hospital, Morocco.
Received: April 04, 2023; Published: April 21, 2023

Any anesthesiologist, especially those faced with the management of a patient undergoing for ENT or maxillofacial surgery, must be concerned about the state of the airway. Airway management can be very delicate in case of intraoral extension of a tumor, it is therefore crucial to properly assess the airways during the preoperative period. We present a case of gigantic pleomorphic adenoma with intraoral extension and detail the anesthesia management.

Keywords: Gigantic Pleomorphic Adenoma; Intubation; ENT

Amine Zerhouni., et al. "Gigantic Pleomorphic Adenoma: An Impossible Intubation? (A Case Report)." EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.5 (2023): 18-21.