EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 3 - 2023

Factors Affecting Accessibility of Blood Derivatives in Egypt

Abdalla Abotaleb*

Professor, WHO Project Manager, GLSBOR Elected President, Spain

*Corresponding Author: Abdalla Abotaleb, Professor, WHO Project Manager, GLSBOR Elected President, Spain.
Received: January 09, 2023; Published: February 27, 2023

Background: High population with low middle income for a country like Egypt might create a challenge on health care system resources and effect on prioritization of health system needs. With critical products like blood derivatives several elements might affect accessibility for these products.

Objective: The objective for this research is analyzing from policy prospective these elements in order to enhance accessibility for the patients which will lead to system enhancement.

Methods: Integration between survey analysis for 125 of health care professionals in Egypt including (Physicians, pharmacists, supply chain managers and payers) plus stock and sales analysis for previous 5 years. One way sensitivity analysis was conducted for robustness of data guaranteeing.

Results: The following results were found are discussed in result section.

Conclusion: Localization of blood derivatives manufacturing process might enhance accessibility through controlling of prices plus availability enhancement which will lead to resources utilization.

Keywords: Blood Derivatives Accessibility; Egypt; Abdalla Abotaleb

Abdalla Abotaleb. Factors Affecting Accessibility of Blood Derivatives in Egypt. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.3 (2023): 45-49.