EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Guest Editorial Volume 6 Issue 6 - 2023

Early Care for Children and their Families in the Russian Federation: Preventive Aspects

Pavlova SV*, Sokurov AV, Salogub AM, Ermolenko TV and Ishutina IS

"Federal Scientific and Educational Center of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation Named After G.A. Albrecht" Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Pavlova SV, "Federal Scientific and Educational Center of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation Named After G.A. Albrecht" Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Received: May 15, 2023; Published: May 31, 2023

The demographic situation in the Russian Federation is characterized by a decrease in the birth rate, which leads to a reduction in the number of children. The total birth rate has remained low over the past few decades (1.42 in 2022), while one and a half times more is required for simple reproduction of the population (2,15) [1,2].

  1. Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2021/Statistical collection. M (2021): 66.
  2. Natural movement of the population of the Russian Federation for 2021/comp. Bulletin. M., Rosstat, 2022; Population of the Russian Federation by gender and age as of January 1, 2022 /stat. bulletin. M., Rosstat (2022).
  3. Alia Wong. Worried your child is delayed from the pandemic? Here’s what experts say to do.
  4. K Underwood., et al. “Is the right to early intervention being honoured? A study of family experiences with early childhood services”.
  5. The concept of Demographic policy in the Russian Federation until 2025.
  6. Population of Russia 2018: Twenty-sixth annual demographic report/ed. S. V. Zakharov. M.: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics (2020): 130.

Pavlova SV., et al. "Early Care for Children and their Families in the Russian Federation: Preventive Aspects." EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.6 (2023): 139-141.