EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Literature Review Volume 7 Issue 9 - 2024

Children’s Perception about New Normal

Sarita Deshpande1, Ravindra Kumar Prajapati2*, Nilesh Kumar3 and Raichal Joshika Bhan4

1Ex Professor in Education, SOE, College of Humanities and Education, Fiji National University, Fiji Islands and Now in India

2Course Coordinator Counselling, University of South Pacific, Fiji Islands

3Head of College, CVET, PACIFIC TAFE, USP, Suva, Fiji

4Scale A Teacher, Papatoetoe West School, Auckland, New Zealand

*Corresponding Author: Ravindra Kumar Prajapati, Course Coordinator Counselling, University of South Pacific, Fiji Islands.
Received: May 20, 2024; Published: August 05, 2024

The latest census of India indicates that it has more youth population that is more than 50% of its population is below the age of 25 and more than 65% below the age of 35. Obviously, it becomes the responsibility of all stake holders to care and feel concern about the youth. The psycho-social development of children, who are soon to turn to adolescents and youth, should become the top priority of politicians and societal members. In view of the pandemic due to Corona virus and COVID-19, it was tried to explore how children perceive about the situation and near future. Selecting a small purposive sample of children of age range 8+ to 10+ diverse in caste, creed, socio-economic status and practicing religion in nearby neighbourhood was interviewed during lockdown period, following social distancing and mask for protection. The main findings reflect that they all have updated knowledge about corona, COVID-19, lockdown and adjustments to be made to survive with virus. Their views about immediate and prolonged changes were not very diverse; however the need of development of some moral values was envisaged, considering the new normal life.

Keywords: Children in Middle Childhood; New Normal; Psychological Development; Moral Values

Ravindra Kumar Prajapati., et al. "Children’s Perception about New Normal." EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 7.9 (2024): 01-06.