EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Case Series Volume 6 Issue 3 - 2023

Case Series of Suspicious Deaths in an Ambient Induced Heat Injury Syndrome in a Honduran State Institution

Edwin Eduardo Velásquez Maldonado1, Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes2*, Josué David Molina Paz3, Allan Mauricio Cárcamo Suárez3, María Alejandra Orellana Rivera3, Leidy María Calderón Rico4 and Mariela Del Carmen Orellana Martínez4

1Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Specialist in Legal and Forensic Medicine, National Autonomous University of Honduras, Honduras

2Methodologist, Master in Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials, Technological University of Mexico, Mexico

3Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Catholic University of Honduras, Honduras

4Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, National Autonomous University of Honduras, Honduras

*Corresponding Author: Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes, Methodologist, Master in Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials, Technological University of Mexico, Mexico.
Received: February 01, 2023; Published: February 18, 2023

The present study of a series of cases is presented as a scientific analytical document from the pathophysiological anatomical point of view, which concluded in the death of people in the same enclosure and of which the causes were carried out for a more in-depth study due to their degree of importance. This study does not intend to point out, its claim is based on the legal medical analytical development that incurs in the importance of the development of forensic science, towards the scientific community at the point of promulgation of the breakdown of possible causes and how these can give us a previous circumstances of which may cause death.

Keywords: Suspicious Deaths; Heat Injury Syndrome; Honduran State Institution

Oscar Fawed Ortega Reyes., et al. Case Series of Suspicious Deaths in an Ambient Induced Heat Injury Syndrome in a Honduran State Institution. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.3 (2023): 14-21.