EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 12 - 2022

Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for Cervical Ectropion - A Case Series Study

Batsuren Choijamts1*, Oyun-Erdene Ariunbold2, Ariuntsetseg Enkhtaivan3, Altantuya Shirchinjav1,4 and Munkhtsetseg Davaatseren1

1Department of O&G, School of Medicine, MNUMS, Mongolia

2MD Health Care Center, Mongolia

3WHC Women’s Health Clinic, Mongolia

4National Center for Maternal and Child Health, Mongolia

*Corresponding Author: Batsuren Choijamts, Department of O&G, School of Medicine, MNUMS, Mongolia.
Received: November 24, 2022; Published: December 13, 2022

Cervical ectropion is sometimes a debilitating condition, because of recurrent purulent vaginal discharge, post coital bleeding and pelvic pain. Autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a regenerative treatment, which promote the natural healing. Here we have observed the treatment results of cervical ectropion. PRP treatment successfully induced the reepithelization of cervical ectropion and may become a non-invasive treatment option.

Keywords: PRP; Cervical Erosion; Cervicitis; Regenerative Medicine; Cervical Reepithelization; Cervical Ectropion

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Batsuren Choijamts et al. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for Cervical Ectropion - A Case Series Study. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   5.12 (2022): 01-07.