EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 12 - 2022

Assessing Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Healthcare Personnel Regarding Waste Management in Eradah Complex in Jeddah City

Mohammad Ali Almalki*, Mohammed Ghazi Alhazmi, Ibrahim Jaman Alotibe, Basem Ahmed Alsobhi, Mohammed Awadh Alsulami, Abdullah Alkharji and Mana Ahmed Alsaadi

Department of Nursing, Eradah and Mental Health Complex, Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Mohammad Ali Almalki, Department of Nursing, Eradah and Mental Health Complex, Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia.
Received: December 02, 2022; Published: December 19, 2022

Introduction: Assessing knowledge, attitude, and practice of healthcare personnel regarding waste management is an important topic. Diagnostic procedures, surgical procedures, immunizations, research activities, and the production of biological materials all contribute to what is known as biomedical waste (BMW). All items that have come into contact with potentially infectious fluids, such as blood, urine, feces, or other bodily fluids, are included. Waste poses a significant infectious risk, especially in low-income countries. There is a problem with waste management awareness or concern in the Eradah Complex in Jeddah City.

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the current study was to explain the risks of waste that are taken from hospitals and health centers and their impact on the health of people and the areas surrounding hospitals.

Method: A descriptive approach will be utilized for this investigation. The goal of this strategy is to compile data that can be utilized to define a group or phenomena in its entirety. They can use it to organize the timing, location, and methods of their studies. Medical staff at Eradah Complex in Jeddah City will be surveyed online to gather data on waste management practices there.

Results: The result showed the knowledge level was 58.3%, with mean 3.4, and the practice level was 78% with mean 0.78, there is a significant difference in the practice level due to specialty, but there is no significant difference due to age, nationality, gender, marital status, experience years, and workplace, and there is no significant difference in the knowledge level due to age, nationality, gender, marital status.

Keywords: Eradah Complex in Jeddah City; Waste Management; Practice of Healthcare Personnel

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Mohammad Ali Almalki et al. Assessing Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Healthcare Personnel Regarding Waste Management in Eradah Complex in Jeddah City. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   5.12 (2022): 42-50.