EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Review Article Volume 6 Issue 3 - 2023

A Compendium of the Review and Research Projects and Articles Conducted by the Independent Global Medical Research Consortium (IGMRC) in 2022

Nicholas A Kerna1,2*, Hilary M Holets3,4, ND Victor Carsrud5, Sudeep Chawla6, John V Flores3,4, Kevin D Pruitt7,8, Joseph Anderson II9,10 and Dabeluchi C Ngwu11,12

1Independent Global Medical Research Consortium

2First InterHealth Group, Thailand

3Beverly Hills Wellness Surgical Institute, USA

4Orange Partners Surgicenter, USA

5Lakeline Wellness Center, USA

6Chawla Health & Research, USA

7Kemet Medical Consultants, USA

8PBJ Medical Associates, LLC, USA

9University of Washington, USA

10International Institute of Original Medicine, USA

11Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Unit, Department of Surgery, Federal Medical Center, Umuahia, Nigeria

12Earthwide Surgical Missions, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: Nicholas A Kerna, (mailing address) POB47 Phatphong, Suriwongse Road, Bangkok, Thailand 10500. Contact:
Received: December 31, 2022; Published: March 15, 2023

The Independent Global Medical Research Consortium (IGMRC) comprising of a prolific core group of medical researchers who have collaborated for over five years. IGMRC’s topics are contemporary and varied. The thirty-four articles published in 2022 spawned the concept of creating a compendium highlighting each published paper's distillation. In doing so, the authors hope to advance the specific research topics and facilitate the assimilation of material findings by the authors’ many readers. Reader interest is evidenced by nearly 100,000 reads, spanning 196 peer-reviewed publications, on ResearchGate alone.

Keywords: Alleviate Stress; Breathing Disorders; Antioxidant; Blunt Force Trauma; Cannabidiols; Cannabis; Chronic Pain; Cognition; Control Hyperglycemia; Cyanobacteria; Ecstasy; Healthy Gut Flora; Headache; Healthy Snacks; Holistic Therapy; Improve Metabolic Function; Ketones; LSD; Muscle Weakness; Natural Anti-Inflammatory; Nicotine Dependence; Phytonutrients; Psychotic Disorders; Tumor Suppression; Urinary Tract Infections; Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's

  1. Kerna NA., et al. “The Application of Psychoactive Substances in Psychiatric Research”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry2 (2022): 70-79.
  2. Kerna NA., et al. “Spirulina Miscellany: Medicinal Beneaits and Adverse Effects of Spirulina”. EC Nutrition2 (2022): 25-36.
  3. Kerna NA., et al. “The Breath of Life: Breathing Techniques as Effective ‘Medicine”. EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine3 (2022): 16-27.
  4. Kerna NA., et al. “The Role of Gut Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Common Psychological, Neurological, and Behavioral Disorders”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry3 (2022): 124-141.
  5. Kerna NA., et al. “The Numerous and Varied Applications of Spirulina in Medical Practice”. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports3 (2022): 100-111.
  6. Kerna NA., et al. “The Biochemical Factors and Mechanisms of Human Emotions and the Biochemistry of Belief”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry3 (2022): 114-123.
  7. Kerna NA., et al. “Sound Therapy: Vibratory Frequencies of Cells in Healthy and Disease States”. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports3 (2022): 112-123.
  8. Kerna NA., et al. “Pragmatic Approaches and Clinical Rationale in Addressing Postpartum Stress Urinary Incontinence (UI) in Women”. EC Gynaecology3 (2022): 90-99.
  9. Kerna NA., et al. “Gait: The First Indicator of Many Neurological Diseases and Disorders”. EC Neurology3 (2022): 58-74.
  10. Takakura M., et al. “Clinical Research Report of the Intricate Application of Dry Needling in Eliciting Trigger Points Local Twitch Response (TP-LTR) in the Upper Trapezius (UT) Region”. EC Orthopaedics3 (2022): 63-78.
  11. Kerna NA., et al. “A Desktop Primer and Practical Review of Cannabis-Containing Compounds and Their Entourage Effects”. EC Neurology3 (2022): 49-57.
  12. Vadivelu N., et al. “Pain and Psychology-A Reciprocal Relationship”. The Ochsner Journal2 (2017): 173-180.
  13. Wager TD., et al. “An fMRI-Based Neurologic Signature of Physical Pain”. New England Journal of Medicine15 (2013): 1388-1397.
  14. Melzack R. “Pain and the Neuromatrix in the Brain”. Journal of Dental Education12 (2001): 1378-1382.
  15. Roberson R., et al. “Neuronal Mechanisms and Treatment Approaches to Emotional and Physical Pain”. EC Neurology4 (2022): 28-37.
  16. Nwokorie U., et al. “The Beneaicial Effects of Honey on the Human Heart, Cardiovascular System, and Non-Cardio Conditions”. EC Cardiology3 (2022): 13-26.
  17. Chawla S., et al. “Revisiting an Old Friend: The Gastrointestinal Beneaits of Regular Popcorn Consumption”. EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System6 (2022): 73-85.
  18. Takakura M., et al. “Local Twitch Response (LTR) as an Indicator of Trigger Point (TP) Needling Therapy Success Regarding Upper Trapezius (UT) Muscle Spasms, and TP’s Efaicacy Compared to Diverse Modalities in Addressing UT Muscle Spasm”. EC Orthopaedics6 (2022): 63-71.
  19. Ngwu DC and Kerna NA. “Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Pleura (SFTP): A Rare Form of an Intrathoracic Space-Occupying Lesion”. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports8 (2022): 62-69.
  20. Pruitt KD., et al. “Insects as a Viable and Sustainable Protein and Food Source for Human Consumption”. EC Nutrition7 (2022): 60-70.
  21. Flores JV., et al. “A Comprehensive Review of Stem Cells and Applications in Speciaic Diseases and Regenerative Therapy”. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports7 (2022): 95-113.
  22. Kerna NA., et al. “Pseudologica Fantastica: Evidence-Based Research Elucidating the Pathophysiology and Presentation of Pathological Lying”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry8 (2022): 47-56.
  23. Dabeluchi C Ngwu and Nicholas A Kerna. “Thoracotomy for Chest Trauma: An Analysis of the Indications and Outcomes in UmuaHia, Southeast Nigeria”. EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine8 (2022): 44-49.
  24. Ngwu DC., et al. “Intussusception: A Rare Cause of Acute Abdomen in the Adult”. EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System8 (2022): 27-33.
  25. Dabeluchi C Ngwu and Nicholas A Kerna. “Acute Limb Ischemia: An Uncommon Complication of Long Bone Fracture”. EC Orthopaedics8 (2022): 86-92.
  26. Dabeluchi C Ngwu and Nicholas A Kerna. “A Rare Giant Pericardial Cyst with Atypical Clinical Presentation-A Case Report”. EC Cardiology9 (2022): 27-33.
  27. Holets HM., et al. “Brown Adipose Tissue: A Comprehensive Review”. EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System8 (2022): 26-40.
  28. Carsrud NDV., et al. “Vertebral Artery Dissection (VAD): Causes, Consequences, and Differential Diagnoses”. EC Cardiology7 (2022): 18-30.
  29. Flores JV., et al. “Vaping: A Comprehensive and Concise Review Resource Regarding the Beneaicial Effects, Indications, Adverse Effects, and Contraindications of Smoking e-Cigarettes on Various Human Body Systems”. EC Cardiology7 (2022): 31-45.
  30. Nwokorie U., et al. “Comedy Cures: Laughter Therapy’s Hormonal, Neurological, and Mechanistic Effects on the Cardiovascular, Musculoskeletal, Immunological, and Respiratory Systems and Common Psychological Disorders”. EC Cardiology7 (2022): 46-61.'s_Hormonal_Neurological_and_Mechanistic_Effects_on_the_Cardiovascular_Musculoskeletal_Immunological_and_Respiratory_Systems_and_Common_Psychological_Disorders
  31. Safe Sport® Training Puts You in Play to Support Athlete Safety (2022).
  32. Toresdahl B., et al. “Increased Incidence of Injury Among Runners With COVID-19”. Sports Health3 (2022): 372-376.
  33. Wezenbeek E., et al. “Association between SARS-COV-2 infection and muscle strain injury occurrence in elite male football players: a prospective study of 29 weeks including three teams from the Belgian professional football league”. (2022).
  34. Kerna NA., et al. “Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA): A Comprehensive 30-minute Primer”. EC Orthopaedics11 (2022): 41-53.
  35. Takakura M., et al. “A Retrospective Observational Report of Amateur Female Youth Volleyball Athletes (2022), Postliminary to the COVID-19 Pandemic Apogee”. EC Orthopaedics11 (2022): 54-58.
  36. Kerna NA., et al. “Binaural Beats: Novel Approach to Managing Certain Physiological and Psychological Conditions”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry11 (2022): 58-69.
  37. Kerna NA., et al. “Prevalence of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Rectovaginal Colonization among Healthy Pregnant Women: A Comprehensive Review”. EC Gynaecology12 (2022): 86-100.
  38. Kerna NA., et al. “Causes, Consequences, and Differential Diagnoses of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)”. EC Neurology12 (2022): 34-51.
  39. Khan MA., et al. “A Review on Gold Nanoparticles: Biological Synthesis, Characterizations, and Analytical Applications”. Results in Chemistry (2022).
  40. Chawla S., et al. “Revealing the Health Applications of Gold Nanoparticles for the Cardiovascular System (and in Nerve, Bone, Immune, Skin, and Mental Disorders)”. EC Cardiology8 (2022).
  41. Carsrud NDV., et al. “Beyond Weight Loss: A Comprehensive and Concise Review of the Ketogenic (Keto) Diet from Epilepsy Origins to Weight Management”. EC Nutrition11 (2022).

Kerna NA, Holets HM, Carsrud NDV, Chawla S, Flores JV, Pruitt KD, Anderson II J, Ngwu DC. A Compendium of the Review and Research Projects and Articles Conducted by the Independent Global Medical Research Consortium (IGMRC) in 2022. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports   6.3 (2023): 43-74.