EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports

Review Article Volume 5 Issue 8 - 2022

Nobel Prizes on the Border of Medicine and Natural Sciences: Elective Discipline for Students of Higher Medical Institutions

Alexander Chalyi*, Dmytro Lukomsky, Olena Chaika and Olena Zaitseva

Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author: Alexander Chalyi, Professor, Head of Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Received: July 04, 2022; Published: July 27, 2022

In the present article we discuss the structure of the elective course "Modern problems of biophysics: Nobel Prizes for outstanding achievements of natural sciences in medicine" which is taught in the Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics of the Bogomolets National Medical University. Here we present the topics of lectures that are assisted by practical classes where we discuss important achievements of the natural sciences that help us to understand better, how human organism operates.

Keywords: Medical Physics; Biological Physics; Nobel Prizes; Grid Cells in the Brain; Synergetics; Perception; Synaptic Transmission

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Alexander Chalyi., et al. Nobel Prizes on the Border of Medicine and Natural Sciences: Elective Discipline for Students of Higher Medical Institutions. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports  5.8 (2022): 29-32.