Volume 3 Issue 3

Research Article

Morphological Validation of Locoregional Recurrence in Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Oxana V Paklina, Galiya R Setdikova and Daniil L Rotin. 3(3): 01-08.


Hematoma of the Iliac Area after Arthroplasty of the Hip Joint

Ivantsou UA, Tsydzik IS and Ivantsov AU. 3(3): 01-02.

Research Article

Tomographic Morphometry of the Magnum Foramen during Postnatal Development: Preliminary Results

Cullari Matias Leonardo, Lefty Luke, Vallejo Azar Mariana, Jaimovich Sebastian, Gonzalez Paula and Bendersky Mariana. 3(3): 01-08.