Volume 5 Issue 7

Review Article

Predicting Preoperative Risks Factors for Improved Outcome in Major Limb Amputations: In the Perspective of Anesthesiologists

Ceyhan H, Erkiliç E, Demirtola M, Elvin Kesimci, Gümüş T, Kanbak O and Aksoy M. 5(7): 177-182.

Research Article

Ecoguided Paravertebral Block for Breast Surgery in Rural Areas

Rabesalama Fanojomaharavo T, Harioly Nirina MOJ, Rasamoelina N, Rakotoarisoa NC, Riel AM, Rajaonera TA and Raveloson NE. 5(7): 183-188.

Research Article

Anesthesia by Nurse’s for Emergent Caesarean in a Level 2 Hospital Facility in Burkina Faso

Lankoandé Martin, Simporé A, Ki KB, Bonkoungou P, Ouédraogo I, Kaboré RAF and Ouédraogo N. 5(7): 189-197.

Research Article

Interpectoral Block: Where does the Solution Spread to? An MRI Study in Volunteers

Régis Fuzier, Richard Aziza, Nguyen Luc, Marc Brémaud and Sébastien Pierre. 5(7): 198-204.

Review Article

Athlete’s Groin Pain

Saloua Khalfaoui, AA El Oumri and EM El Abbassi. 5(7): 205-217.

Case Report

True Knot in Epidural Catheter. Report of a Case

Jorge Andrés Garabito-López. 5(7): 225-229.