
Journal Info

Journal : EC Agriculture
Current Issue : Volume 5 Issue 8 - 2019
Publication Date : August 01, 2019
Frequency : Monthly
Language : English
Type of Publication : Online
Review Format : Double Blind Peer Review
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Current Issue

Review Article

Cowpeas and Sunflower Seed Meal - Available Sources of Methionine for Organic Poultry Diets

Kimberley Foster, Michael Mienaltowski, Kirk Klasing and Annie King 6.3 (2020): 01-09.


Soil Salinization: A Serious Problem for Agricultural Sustainability

Shuma Rani Ray and AKM Aminul Islam. 5(8): 410-412.


Dietary Formulation and Nutritional Composition of Cereal Based Complementary Food

Adefisola Bola Adepeju and Samson Ishola Ibironke. 5(8):435-441.

Letter to Editor

Losing the Sea of Galilee?

Shimon Shatzmiller. 5(8): 442-447.


Some Hidden Benefits of a Healthy Organic Soil

Bill Kerr. 5(8): 473-476.

Research Article

Analysis of Two Methods of Remote Sensing Applied to the Municipality of Palm Trees of Goiás (GO-BR)

Bianka Dara Santos dos Reis and Cristian Epifânio de Toledo. 5(8): 477-488.


Soil and Resilience to Climate Change

Marco Fidel Romero Zárate. 5(8): 489-491.

Conceptual Paper

Approaches to Sustainable Soil Management in Modern and Future Agriculture

Marco Fidel Romero Zárate. 5(8): 498-499.

Research Article

Assessment of Fish Market and Marketing Channel in Dhanusha District of Nepal

Tafjeera Farheen, Kiran Kumar Gupta and Asmita Gupta. 5(8): 507-514.